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Careers in the Not-for-Profit Sector

Careers in the Not-for-Profit Sector

Many students misunderstand the idea of the not-for-profit sector. While organizations structured as ‘not-for-profit’ do not focus primarily on making money for owners or shareholders, this does not mean that the sector’s workers do their labour for free. Indeed, paid employees across the sector make a healthy living, work in steady jobs, and enjoy rewarding work. Strong, stable careers are available at many Canadian and international not-for-profit organizations.

Different Kinds of Not-for-Proft Organizations

The Canadian Government, via Revenue Canada, distinguishes carefully between non-profit organizations (NPOs) and registered charities, as follows:

Not-for-Profit Organizations (NFPOs) Learn More

When an organization in Canada is incorporated under the Not For Profit Act, it is commonly known as a federal not for profit corporation. By contrast, an organization that is incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act is generally referred to as a business corporation.

Not-for-profit corporations are not automatically considered “registered charities” or “non-profit organizations” for income tax purposes.

Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs)

Non-profit organizations are associations, clubs, or societies that are not charities and are organized and operated exclusively for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure, recreation, or any other purpose except profit.

Here are a few types of non-profit organizations and examples of each:

  • social, recreational, or hobby groups (bridge clubs, curling clubs, and golf clubs)
  • certain amateur sports organizations (hockey associations, baseball leagues, and soccer leagues)
  • certain festival organizations (parades and seasonal celebrations)


Registered Charities

Registered charities are charitable organizations, public foundations, or private foundations that are created and resident in Canada. They must use their resources for charitable activities and have charitable purposes that fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • relief of poverty (food banks, soup kitchens, and low-cost housing units);
  • advancement of education (colleges, universities, and research institutes);
  • advancement of religion (places of worship and missionary organizations);
  • purposes beneficial to the community (animal shelters, libraries, and volunteer fire departments).

Explore the Difference on the CRA Site

Related Occupational Categories

Whereas exploring careers by ‘sectors’ helps us to sort by employer type, industry, or general field of work, Economic and Social Development Canada’s ‘occupational’ categories tend to focus more on the duties and functions that people play in specific roles. Here are just a few of the occupation categories that may be relevant to the Not-for-Profit sector:

Academic Program Connections

As you select your program of study and the courses you will take, you can chart a path towards success in this sector from any one of our social sciences departments and programs. Here are just a few examples of academic disciplines that have connections with this sector:

Indigenous Studies Learn More

Students who pursue courses or degree programs in Indigenous Studies bring a strong cultural, institutional, and historical awareness into the non-profit sector, playing leadership roles in advocating for policies and approaches that engage meaningfully, respectfully, and productively with local communities.

Society, Culture & Religion Learn More

Students who study Society, Culture & Religion often bring their intercultural competencies to their work in the non-profit sector. Their comfort with mutlidisciplinary approach makes them able to adapt to a variety of workflows, and their astute understanding of diverse groups and traditions often informs better policy-making and more authentic engagement with the public.

Work & Labour Studies Learn More

Students from Work & Labour Studies often work in the non-profit sector, whether in private or public sector unions, at labour organizations or chambers of commerce, or doing human resources or labour relations work for non-profit organizations.

Political Science Learn More

Political Science students often bring their knowledge of people, relationships, and social issues to their work in the non-profit sector. Whether it is at registered charities, at non-governmental organizations or at international institutions, politically savvy students know how to manage conflicts and balance the interests of various groups in pursuit of shared social goals.

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