Hiring Options for Employers
Hire Co-op or Internship Students
Employers can hire Social Sciences students from two different work-based initiatives:
- Social Sciences Co-op
- Social Sciences Internship Program
Although in everyday work the terms ‘co-op’ and ‘internship’ are often used interchangeably, there are practical differences between our two programs. Either option will allow employers to hire Social Sciences students who are highly skilled and resourceful. Depending on your hiring needs, you may be interested in one or the other — or both.
Co-op And Internships: What Are The Similarities?
Unified Job Posting System
Your job posting will be posted securely in McMaster’s OscarPlus hiring management platform, no matter which student programs you decide to make eligible. You can submit one (1) posting and have it be made digitally available to co-op students, internship students, or both.
Wage Requirements
The wage standards are the same for all Social Sciences postings, whether targeted at co-op or internship students. All roles must be paid at least the local minimum wage, with the student becoming an employee by contract rather than, say, receiving a lump sum stipend.
Co-op And Internships: What Are The Differences?
One of the major differences between the two student experiences is around whether the work term is required as a part of the student’s program. This may (or may not) be practically relevant to you as an employer because it can affect your eligibility for tax credits, approval for certain hiring programs, or work visas for international student incumbents. See below for details on each of these elements.
Co-op (Required)
In university, being in ‘Co-op’ typically means that paid Work Terms are required as a part of the student’s program of study. This can often mean more experienced and especially motivated students.
Internships (Elective)
In Social Sciences at McMaster, internships are an elective experience. They count for transcript credit, but are optional for degree completion. This often means a larger pool of potential students with varying appetite to apply.
Expandable List
4 months, full-time, in line with academic terms. Position dates line up with the Winter (Jan-April), Spring (May-August) or Fall (September-December) Term. |
Internship (Elective)
4, 8, 12, or 16 months, full-time or part-time, with flexibility in Summer. Position dates line up with the Winter (Jan-April), Spring (May-August) or Fall (September-December) Term. |
Yes. The Ontario Co-op Tax Credit is a key resource. Other funding such as the Canada Jobs Grant or SWPP Funding may also apply. Eligibility rules often require that work experience be required for academic program completion, which is a hallmark of co-op programs. |
Internship (Elective)
Usually not. However, the Canada Summer Jobs Grant is an example of an eligible fund. |
Yes. International students who are admitted to a co-op program are permitted to apply for a special kind of visa due to the required nature of their work terms. This allows our talented students to accept full-time positions in Fall and Winter, outside of the summer period normally allowed. |
Internship (Elective):
Yes, but typically limited to the Summer Term. Many international students not in co-op are only permitted to work full-time in summer because of the conditions of their study permit. However, situations may vary. International students who participate in the internship program must ensure that the requirements of the position are compatible with the limits of their current study permit. |
Co-op (Program-Required):
Only certain Social Sciences programs have co-op program options. There are undergraduate and/or graduate programs in the following areas:
If you have program-specific needs, view our Co-op Program Information Page for Employers for more details. |
Internship (Elective):
Elective experiences are, by definition, not required by a program. Students from any undergraduate program in the Social Sciences can become eligible to apply and participate. This includes: Economics, Political Science, Work and Labour Studies (non-coop); plus Anthropology; Environment & Society; Health, Aging & Society; Indigenous Studies; Psychology; Social Work; Society, Culture & Religion; and Sociology. |
Contact Our Team
To explore your hiring options you can email our Hire Social Sciences account, or contact one of the employer-facing staff below:
Rachel Jones
Career Development and Relationship Manager